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Easter-hazard-blog-photo-2016-croppedAfter a long cold winter we are tempted to get spring going in our homes and gardens. However, as beautiful as those lovely blooms are, they could pose a serious threat to your cat or dog’s well-being. Make sure you cat does not have access to the Lily plant. All parts of the plant are toxic if ingested by your feline and canine children. Even a small of amount of pollen ingested by your cat could be fatal. It is recommended that you do not bring Lilies into your home if you have pets.

Dogs especially like to find your kids’ Easter baskets filled with candy, dyed Easter eggs and toys. Even the grass in the basket can be problematic if your cat or dog decides to eat some of it along with the jelly beans.

Let us not forget the fuzzy stuffed chicks, duckies and bunnies that Fluffy or Fido might think were bought just for them. These toys were not designed to be chewed on or played with by your dog and will be nothing but a mess of stuffing that could be swallowed.

We all know chocolate is not good for your pet, so keep those chocolate bunnies out of your pets reach. The darker the chocolate, the more theobromine, and caffeine are in the candy. Depending on the amount of chocolate and the size of your dog, varying levels of health risks can occur. They can experience severe digestive upset, seizures and death.

If you suspect your pet has gotten into any “Easter contraband” contact your veterinarian immediately. If your veterinarian is not available, call your local emergency clinic asap for advice.