(360) 546-5534

Check Your Chip Month!

Neighborhood Pet Clinic will scan your pet at No Charge to you, to make sure that your pet’s microchip is still working. We will be offering a Discount if your pet needs a microchip for the month of October. $25.00 Chip when purchased with exam.

Stop Fleas Stop!

We have had an unusually mild winter this year. While this has been a treat for drivers and a bummer for skiers – it’s been a goldmine for fleas! We are expecting an early hatch on fleas this year. Give us a call to learn how to get a jump on keeping your...

Support. Remember. Create.

When: Contact the Clinic for our next Scheduled Event Where: Neighborhood Pet Clinic – www.npcvet.com 12616 NW 36th Ave. Vancouver WA 98685 How much? This is a free event for clients of Neighborhood Pet Clinic.  Donations are welcome and appreciated for future...

February is Dental Health Month – Save $35.00!

The health of your Cat or Dog’s mouth affects their entire system. A healthy mouth increases your pet’s longevity as well as the quality of their life. LEARN MORE Pets need regular dental cleanings as much as humans do, if not more so. We want your pet to...

Welcome To Our Website Relaunch!

We hope you will help us make it better by letting us know the features you most wish to see. Please use the comment form on this post to tell us how we can better serve you with our website as well as what kinds of specials and events would you like to see us offer...