(360) 546-5534

Check Your Chip Month!

Neighborhood Pet Clinic will scan your pet at No Charge to you, to make sure that your pet’s microchip is still working. We will be offering a Discount if your pet needs a microchip for the month of October. $25.00 Chip when purchased with exam.

February is Dental Health Month – Save $35.00!

The health of your Cat or Dog’s mouth affects their entire system. A healthy mouth increases your pet’s longevity as well as the quality of their life. LEARN MORE Pets need regular dental cleanings as much as humans do, if not more so. We want your pet to...

Home Sweet “New” Home

Neighborhood Pet Clinic has been at our new location in Felida for almost 5 months. It is feeling like home now and we are very excited to be here. Even though our location is different, you will still experience the highest quality care along with seeing familiar...


February is DENTAL HEALTH MONTH Schedule a professional dental procedure in the month of February and receive a special discount! Call clinic for details.

NPC Veterinarians Participate in Important Study – You Can Too!

The Morris Animal Foundation is looking for 3,000 golden retrievers younger than 2 to participate in a study on how to prevent major diseases in dogs. The study, the largest and longest observational effort of its kind, will last 10 to 14 years and will benefit all...

Dental Health Month

February has become well known in the veterinary world as “DENTAL HEALTH MONTH”, but the veterinarians at Neighborhood Pet Clinic would like to think that EVERY month is about dental health!  A question we are frequently asked at our clinic is, “When...